Cultural Relativism ā€“ Does It Apply To Terrorism? War? Mar 11, 2022

Continued from LinkedIn...

On Linked In I've been discussing the process of developing intercultural sensitivity that leads us to cultural competence.

In the last post I talked about the ACCEPTANCE stage of the IDC (Intercultural...

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In Sync Communication in Multicultural Teams Nov 18, 2021

In the webinar I recently presented for SAP, I talked about “In Sync Communication in Multicultural Teams” and focused on four challenges related to perception, complexity, communication, and culture.  Then I provided a few hacks as key-takeaways.

The first topic was perception.

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How to TRULY Build Your Leadership Skillset Nov 15, 2021

Are you tired of all the trends in current leadership training?  Your organization wants you to do professional development, but you dread logging onto yet another boring online course to tick the box or having to endure a half-day, one-and-done training program.  It takes you away from...

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Lifelong Learning is Enhanced through Coaching Oct 14, 2021

One of the things I'm most excited about in life is learning. Every day is a new opportunity to develop myself in new and creative ways. Whether reading a book or an article; learning a new dance step; practicing a new technique for finger agility on the flute; having an interesting conversation...

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Tango is a challenge, but worth learning - just like leading across cultures Oct 03, 2021

One of the things I learned when taking Tango lessons in Buenos Aires is just how unpredictable the rhythms, steps, and music can be. Tango can be spirited and lively but also intense and melancholy. The leader chooses how and where to move according to the beat of the music while the follower...

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The journey of 1,000 miles (Chinese mile) starts with a single stepĀ  ...Lao Tzu č€å­ Sep 13, 2021

It seemed like we’d never get there! 

I was working with my coaching buddy as we prepared for our certification through the Coaching Federation (ICF) ICF.  Tan, originally from Vietnam, was now in Australia and I, originally from the United States, was in China.

In order to pass...

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When faced with difficult circumstances, pivot! Sep 08, 2021

pivot [piv-uht ]

verb (used without object) to turn on or as on a pivot.

~Basketball – to keep one foot in place while holding the ball and moving the other foot one step in any direction.

~to modify a policy, opinion, product, etc., while retaining some continuity with its...

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Meaningful Work: Purpose Fuels Passion Sep 06, 2021

In May most of the world celebrates Labor Day (International Workers Day) while the US celebrates the beginning of spring (May Day). Fast forward a few months and today – the first Monday in September – is Labor Day in the USA and we now celebrate the end of the summer.


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Make it your business to understand the impact of culture on the bottom line Aug 01, 2021

HSBC is one of the largest banking and financial services organizations in the world, boasting offices in 65 countries and territories all over the world with more than 40 million customers and 238,000 employees.  That’s a lot of cultural difference at the national, sub-group, and...

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Becoming culturally competent through cultural intelligence cultural intelligence Jul 01, 2021

We live in a fast-paced, highly complex and constantly changing global environment.  While cultural competence has always been important when conducting business across borders, in the 21st century it has emerged as a conscious competence that is an important antecedent to doing business...

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Coaching for Cultural Competence Jun 05, 2021

What do intercultural competence and improvisation have in common? Lots! Please read on to discover my unique approach to executive and professional coaching!

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It is now a cliché to say that the world is shrinking and that we live in a global village – the world...

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Cultural Sense-Making in Action Apr 13, 2021

The Cultural Sense-Making Model by Osland and Bird

This is a guest blog by one of my online course participants, Kelly Flynn, and is used with her permission. Kelly is a project manager and engineer and took my course, Advanced Intercultural Management*, because she wanted to enhance her...

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